Saturday, June 12, 2010

One year in...

Bittersweet anniversary of my move to Boston.  One year ago yesterday I was saying goodbye to a wonderful (and I'll admit comfortable) life in Oakland, CA for prospects unknown as HMS.  I won't rehash or further mourn what has passed.  It is especially hard for me because today is so much like last year, right down to the rain and me moving boxes. I got up this morning to help my buddy, GV, move out of the dorm.

2010 over did it on the drama.  It is June.  2010 has already brought wonderful things, the birth of beautiful babies, some of my good friends have already or will get married, health care reform was passed.  The year has also brought some sorrow, death, illness, violence and heartbreak.  At times it is more than I care to think about.  I mean, how is one to really pour oneself into the study of medicine when all this craziness is going on.  I asked myself that many times during the 2009-2010 academic year.  All I know is one must push on.  Too much is at stake.  I am missing so much back home: births, birthdays, and graduations.  I left to make a better way for my family and community.  What good am I to them if I don't do my best despite the hardships?

Second-year or MS-2.  I intend to rock next year.  To shine and help others shine too.  I intend to channel those positive So Cal vibes all the way from Boston, MA.  Who knows I might even find higher purpose.

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