Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's late or should I say early? In any case, I was winding down from some exciting reading about polysomnography and EEGs. At the same time I was listening to the songstress, Jill Scott, when I came across this article about HMS suspending funding for the Primary Care Division.

My first thought was, "Dang, my friends in Cali were right". I'm going to be out here in Boston trying to hollerin' about wellness and prevention to an institution what totally doesn't want to hear it. After reading the article I felt hope. The author of the petition protesting the cuts is a MD/MBA candidate with the right idea. He is brought to light the need for HMS to lead in domestic primary care in addition to the work they do in global health, research and expanding general awesomeness. Highlighted was the need for outreach to medical students from day one to the time they are looking at residencies as well as working across disciplines to spur creativity and foster new leadership. I was thinking, "Hey that's just what I wanted get into when I get rolling".

I guess I didn't notice the wheels on my feet and the wind in my hair...I'm rolling already. This path with be a long one but I trust good times are to come.

Peace and love.

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