Friday, April 16, 2010

Care, Fabric, and Soul

Peace and blessings.  Thursday was kind of a dreaded day.  I had too much to do and too little time to do it all.  Some things fell by the wayside but I did everything I really wanted to do.

Above is a teaser + highlight, more after the jump...

I got to hear some of the keynote address on the 100 years aniversary of the Flexner Report.  The seminal work that led to major national reform of medical education.  It is credited with bringing the medical profession into the relm of respectiblity that it enjoys today.  The effects of the Flexner Report are not all positive.  The rigidity and nearly universal adoption of the reccomendations left little room for innovation in education and admissions standards.  There is evidence that this needs to change...that's all I caught of the talk unfortunately because I had to run to the next thing.

I am hosting two young men for the HMS revisit weekend.  I got to hang with them some while we walked to my flat.  Sharp dudes, I tried to balance the sales pitch I am sure they are hearing all this weekend.  I don't want to discourage anyone from coming to HMS. It's a great place but it's not heaven.  Anyone who says anything different is a very different life.

Racing back to campus I grabbed some free food at a talk and went to my next meeting.  I am co-leading the Primary Care Interest Group.  We met with the leadership from last year and a resident who is leading the campaign to start a Primary Care Institute on campus.  The on-campus center will be a hub, coordinating efforts to improve education, training, research and innovation in primary health care provision.  We did some brainstorming and planning on how to involve the student body in these endeavors.  Namely getting them to come out to the Townhall Meeting in May to convince the Dean of Medical Education that this is a priority with a broad support baxe.  I'm really excited about this and will write more on this things develop.

Up next Fabric dress rehearsal.  Our world drumming set sounded good despite the crappy acoustics of the TMEC atrtium.   The other acts I stayed to watch looked really good as well.  I know tonight will be lots of fun for our class and the new admits.  I won't give any suprises away.

Lastly I made it to the Soulive performance at The Paradise.  They played from 9p until after 1230a.  These fellas do not dissapoint.  Nigel Hall opened for them.  He is a great singer and performer who can hold a show on his own and grooves so well with Soulive.  The format was really cool.  By the time Nigel went off the stage the band was on and grooving.  Soulive did a tribute to James Brown that night. 

The first set: James Brown, second set: Soulive classics, third set: more James.  With each set more and more people where on stage.  At first just the the 3 main guys, then 2 horns, then 4 horns, lastly Nigel came back on and sang some James. 

Man! I had to cut out because I didn't want to be an absolute zombie today but I can definintely say that band was my favorite for 2009 and holds the number one spot so far in 2010.

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