Thursday, April 15, 2010

My whirlwind week

Okay.  I was really enjoying the whole "wake up and blog" thing I was doing for few days.  That was until last Friday when I had to plan for like 5 meeting and two concurrent events.  The last seven days have been pretty great.  Busy but great.  More after the jump!

Top priority: be a great physician. Second priority: make time for the people and things that will help me become a great physician.

Cody ChesnuTT- "When I Find Time"

Friday 4/9- I got together a bunch of people who were interested in primary care  from my class and the class ahead of us.  We had a pot luck at the house of a second year student.  It was a success!  The food was great.  Thank you Smitten Kitchen the Romesco Potatoes where a hit!  It was nice to get people together in a low stress environment, eat, drink and talk about things that are important to us.

It was raining that day so I had to walk and bike in the rain.  I'm not the kind of person to let the weather stop me from being active.  Actually crappy weather makes me want to be more active because I am SO emotionally affected gloomy or cold weather.  I kind of force myself to go out to stay sane.  In that vein, I decided to join some classmate at River Gods in Cambridge for drinks around 9p.  It was a good time.  Got to hang with a few guys I really enjoy being around.  Sorry no pics because I left my camera at the pot luck. Haha.

Weekend- Very fun but full of bike repairs and last minute studying for the Immunology and Pathology exam on Monday.

Tuesday- Ditched class to hang at Gato Rojo and walked over to hear a cool talk at the Harvard Graduate School of Design titled "The Future of Energy", ask me about what the Obama Adminstration plans to do to stay a leader in energy production and become a leader in green energy. After which, I went to Neponset River Reservation with some people from the Boston Natural Areas Network to do some gardening.  It was great!

Wednesday- Ditched class, again...noticing a trend?  Went to the School of Public Health class I am auditing.  Heard a really inspiring lecture by Eric Chivian about how the loss of biodiversity will have direct effects on human health.   He gave examples how food economies, potential drug discoveries, and medical technologies will be forever lost if ALL OF US do not make an effort to stop and reverse the damage we are doing to our planet.  We don't need to save the earth, we need to save ourselves.

Okay that was a not so brief synopsis of what I've been up to.  I go to a lot of meetings and drum practices nowadays too. Oh boy!  Don't worry I watch the webcast and study when the day is done. 

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